Squares of Taste in Linguaglossa

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  • festivals

Date of the event

  • Date not confirmed
  • October

Le Squares of Taste in Linguaglossa it is an event that brings the excellence of taste to the table. It is an appointment that is now unmissable for all fans of the good cooking and in particular of some of the ingredients most characteristic of the tradition of this village in province of Catania, such as sausage, wine, hazelnut or extra virgin olive oil. Here, then, is all the information that can be useful for organizing a trip to Linguaglossa discovering the squares of taste.

Description of the squares of taste in Linguaglossa

The Piazze del Gusto represent a three-day event dedicated to excellences of the territory of Linguaglossa. During the event the participants will be able to taste specialties based on wine, extra virgin olive oil, sausage or hazelnuts which are the most typical dishes of the area. It will also be possible to buy natural ingredients or the many products that can be made with these delicious raw materials. There is no shortage of moments of entertainment, such as musical or cabaret shows, but also workshops that tell the particularity of the typical ingredients of the area.

The story linked to Piazze del Gusto in Linguaglossa

The story related toevent in Linguaglossa it is relatively recent because the event has only been organized for a few years. The spark that ignited the idea of ​​an event of this type is obviously linked to the production of some typical ingredients of the area, for the production of which the Linguaglossa area has always been known not only in Sicily but also in the rest of Italy. Obviously, over the course of the editions the event has taken on different characteristics, given that the organizers understood that the public was eager not only to taste the local products but also to know the traditions and production processes that are the basis of these delicacies.

When does Piazze del Gusto take place in Linguaglossa

The event is usually held inlast weekend of October but date shifts are possible given that the organization of the event is not linked to any religious event.

Where Piazze del Gusto takes place in Linguaglossa

The Piazze del Gusto event in Linguaglossa involves the whole village but it is above all the main squares, such as Piazza Matrice, Piano degli Agostini or Piano di Santa Caterina that host more stands. In the Collegio San Tommaso Congress Hall, on the other hand, workshops and conferences are held on the subject.

What to do during the squares of taste in Linguaglossa

Those who wish to take part in the Piazze del Gusto in Linguaglossa can also take advantage of the opportunity to discover some of the beauties of the village. For example, the main place of worship in the town is the church dedicated to Our Lady of Grace, built in the seventeenth century. Very beautiful, however, also the Church of the Immaculate Conception, which is from a few years later but still contains some works of great value such as an altarpiece painted in 1659 which represents the Madonna among the humble. Very important is the church of Sant'Egidio, the oldest religious structure in the country as it was built in the XNUMXth century, given that it houses the statue of the patron saint inside, used for the procession on its festivity. Finally, the church of San Francesco di Paola, in the Baroque style, and the Intr-Art museum, discovering the murals.

How to get to Linguaglossa

Those who want to take part in the Piazza del Gusto in Linguaglossa and move by car from Catania, they will be able to take the A18 first and then the E45 while those who leave from Palermo will have to follow the A20 first and then the E90. From Messina the most suitable road is the A18, from Trapani it is advisable to follow the E90, from Agrigento first the A19 and then the E932. Finally, those who have Syracuse as a starting point can simply take the E45 as well as those who move from Enna, finally from Caltanissetta the same route that is followed from Agrigento is recommended.

Linguaglossa is very easy to reach too on the train since it is on the line called Circumetnea. Lastly, the via connections are active throughout the year bus numbers made available by the AST.


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