The Paglina Onion from Castrofilippo

The Paglina di Castrofilippo onion is more commonly known in the local dialect as "Cipuddra", it is a sweet onion, with a delicate flavor, capable of reaching considerable dimensions.

Traveling the Sicilia you will easily realize that this land is rich in landscapes to discover and specialties to savor. Everything is even more beautiful if each location is able to offer you ever new experiences, accompanied by unique aromas and flavors.

Finding yourself passing by Castrofilippo, stop to observe the beauties of its territory, from the green areas to the buildings of its historic center, among which the Mother Church of Maria SS del Rosario.

Walking through the streets of the city it will be easy to recognize a recurring scent. It is that of the Paglina onion, the most acclaimed specialty of this area. It is a good and versatile typical product, suitable for the preparation of numerous local dishes Sicilian cooking.

Characteristics of the Paglina Onion

The Paglina onion of Castrofilippo is more commonly known in the local dialect as "Cipuddra", to the point that the inhabitants of Castrofilippo are also known as "Cipuddrara”, or onion growers. It seems that this crop was introduced in Castrofilippo in 1844, as demonstrated by the documents found in the municipal archive.

It is a sweet onion, with a delicate flavor, capable of reaching considerable dimensions. In fact, each onion easily weighs 2 kg. From an aesthetic point of view it presents itself with a white - brownish color, with rounded or heart-shaped bulbs.

Since ancient times, the cultivation process of the Paglina onion has remained almost unchanged. Sowing takes place in September, while in November they are transplanted directly into the ground. The harvest takes place strictly by hand during the month of June and continues until August.

The main role is played by the quality of the soil and its characteristics. It is thought, in fact, that the Paglina onion, if grown in a place other than Castrofilippo, would not have the same unmistakable quality.

What dishes can be made with the Paglina onion?

Thanks to the Paglina Onion and its enormous versatility, it is possible to make numerous Typical Sicilian dishes, starting from the most traditional Baked onions and to the "Cipuddrata", understood as an onion salad seasoned with local oil and vinegar, up to the more elaborate preparations, such as the "mbriulata”, a baked product that vaguely resembles the Neapolitan one casatiello.

The Pagliana Onion Festival in Castrofilippo

The importance of this product for the entire community of Castrofilippo is also dictated by the presence of an annual event, the Onion Festival Paglina, an event capable of promoting not only its goodness but also the entire territory.

The event, in fact, is the perfect opportunity to get to know Castrofilippo in every aspect, from the food and wine to the landscape, passing through the history, culture and many traditions that characterize this area of ​​the Agrigento hinterland.


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