Curiosity about Ventimiglia of Sicily: the picture of the miracle

The picture of the miracle in Ventimiglia di Sicilia contains a story full of charm, which starts from far away.

Located within the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, has so much to show to those who want to know him. Here's what you need to know about an unusual painting.

Curiosity about Ventimiglia di Sicilia: how the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie was born

The history of picture of the miracle it is closely connected to that of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The latter was built at the behest of Baron Giurati di Ciminna in order to dedicate a temple to the Madonna. Its realization is linked to an event that is still told today, but of which there is no written testimony.

The legend of the painting of the Miracle in Ventimiglia of Sicily

La legend tells of a princess who, when she looked out from her balcony one evening, saw a light in the bushes. She was a very religious woman and she decided to investigate similar apparitions. She sent men to find out what it was. Once they arrived at the place, they saw an image of the Madonna wedged between two boulders, while she was breastfeeding the Child Jesus.

This event struck the heart of the religious princess, who decided to take the painting and place it in the chapel of her personal palace. Today the current one stands there Church of San Vito. Also in the same evening, the woman looked out on the balcony of her building and saw the light again from afar, in the midst of the surrounding trees. She had a suspicion and decided to check in the chapel of her residence to make sure of the permanence of the painting. The latter had disappeared, returned to the trees.

Ventimiglia of Sicily, curiosity: miracle of the Madonna and the Child Jesus

None of the men in question had been able to bring the painting back. The Madonna and the Child Jesus, in reality, had returned alone to that place. And here we immediately thought of the miracle. In fact, the painting was found the following morning by some farmers in the exact spot where it had been found the previous night, i.e. wedged between two rocks.

At that point, it was decided to bring him back to the country where it was right that this work should reside. Subsequently, the miraculous event recurred on two occasions. As soon as the painting disappeared, it was found in the same place. The Princess then realized that the Virgin intended to make the faithful understand that the painting should not be moved.

The creation of a Chapel in honor of the picture of the miracle

To keep the picture, it was therefore decided to build a Chapel in his honour. The church was built exactly where the Virgin wished and became a pilgrimage destination for many faithful. To attest to the miraculous event, here are the two rocks smoothed in two precise points, a sign of their ability to support the entire frame. Even today, after several centuries, the local citizens are convinced that this event is true and have a devoted and infinite faith in the Verdine del picture of the Miracle in Ventimiglia of Sicily.

Furthermore, it is enough to observe the rock to realize that, precisely in that very narrow hollow in which not even a child enters, there are signs that demonstrate the presence of the signs relating to the painting. The story continues to amaze the faithful of the place and visitors, who admire and pray to the Madonna of the painting so that she can intercede with their children.

Picture of the miracle in Ventimiglia di Sicilia, a surprising story

As can be seen, the story of the Picture of the Miracle in Ventimiglia di Sicilia leaves room for different interpretations. There is no certain information, but the myth fascinates many citizens and tourists thanks to various very intriguing aspects. There is nothing left to do but visit the Church and ascertain the magnificence of a different picture than the others.


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