Statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo, a modern and iconic work of art

The Statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo is a recently built work of art, but is already considered one of the main masterpieces of the locality located in the metropolitan city of Catania.

Many people come from every corner of Sicily and not just to pay homage to two greats Italian music artists. Here are the most important elements of a sculpture that has become iconic.

The extraordinary friendship that hides behind the statue of Battiato and Dalla a Milo

The Statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo was born following the great friendship which has linked the singer-songwriter from Catania and the one from Bologna for several years. The work of art was conceived in life-size and was created in a town chosen not randomly. In fact, both Franco and Lucio had decided to buy two houses in the municipality of Milo, quite close to each other. Consequently, the option of dedicating a statue to both appeared natural, especially following the disappearance of Battiato which occurred on May 18, 2021, moreover precisely in Milo.

How the idea of ​​a statue by Battiato and Dalla was born

The idea of ​​creating a statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo was born thanks to the initiative of Pro Loco of Milos. The latter made use of the contribution of the Etna Park, Unpli and the Municipality to give shape to a project with attention to the smallest details, located in Piazza Belvedere. Even the Battiato family has shown their favorable opinion on the idea, making it even more solemn and important.

Who made the statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo

The Statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo was born following a painstaking work finished down to the smallest detail. The Pro Loco took numerous hypotheses into consideration, to then select the sketch made by the artist and doctor Gianfranco LaPira. Therefore, the Nolana Foundry located in the Neapolitan town of Nola took care of the various phases of the sculpture preparation, with the decisive role of the sculptor Placido Cali, originally from Acireale.

How the Statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo is made

The Statue of Battiato and Dalla a Milo sees the two protagonists observing each other while they are giving a performance. Lucio is sitting at the piano and Franco is standing leaning on it. It would be nice to imagine them while they are dueting up there, perhaps on the notes of Piazza Grande and Permanent Center of Gravity. And Gianfranco La Pira probably thought of just such a situation in the various phases of his sketch.

Statue of Battiato and Dalla in Milo: their relationship with Milo

The city of Milo is the perfect location for the Statue of Battiato and Dalla. The former chose to return to Sicily during the XNUMXs, leaving Milan and rediscovering the pure essence of himself. The second has chosen to buy a house in Milo with the main objective of understanding the secrets of his Sicilian colleague. The town has thus turned into a real artistic and musical laboratory and has welcomed high-level musicians over the last few decades.

Milo, an authentic pearl of Sicily also thanks to the statue of Battiato and Dalla

Milo experienced a truly enviable development also thanks to the contribution of the Statue of Battiato and Dalla. It has about 1000 inhabitants and can boast a historic center to be admired, which overlooks the coasts of the Ionian Sea. The experience of being on the slopes of Etna and a stone's throw from the sea is potentially exciting and relaxing at the same time, without forgetting a look at the amphitheater named after Lucio Dalla. There are all the credentials to immerse yourself in an enchanting reality from every point of view.

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