Valledolmo tomato, a truly out of the ordinary cultivation

The Valledolmo tomato, also called “Siccagno” tomato, is considered different than the others.

It is located in the town of the same name with approximately 3000 inhabitants located in the province of Palermo and it's a truly amazing vegetable. Here's what you need to know about a cultivation system uncommon.

Where the Valledolmo tomato grows

The Valledolmo tomato is not like all the others. He is located in a pure and uncontaminated Sicily and takes advantage of the careful and painstaking work of Rinascita, a cooperative led by Vincenzo Pisa and based on the maximum environmental sustainability. The area is characterized by clayey soil, nestled among the local hills. In these parts it is not easy to grow at its best, but the natural nutrients make the fruits extremely genuine.

How the Valledolmo siccagno tomato is grown

Going into details, the system with which the Valledolmo tomato is grown can certainly be considered innovative and original. In fact, according to what Vincenzo Pisa himself stated, the product can be cared for in a careful and affectionate manner without the help of a fundamental element for our life, namely thewater. How is it possible to achieve such a goal?

Pisa underlined how laborious a method of this type is, which requires non-stop manual work. The choice is made for geographical and tradition-related reasons. This happens because the soil is able to retain humidity as best as possible at any time of the day, without any problems inherent to climates and temperatures.

With these premises, plants have the opportunity to grow while minimizing environmental impact. No mechanical accessories are needed, but each job is carried out following primordial methods and based on the three-year rotation technique, through the sowing of legumes and wheat. Meanwhile, the tomato attracts the necessary substances and proceeds with natural systems, adding only natural sulfur to prevent any fungal disease.

The origins of Rinascita for the Siccagno tomato from Valledolmo

The Valledolmo tomato owes its peculiarities to the contribution of Rebirth cooperative. The latter has been active in the sector since the Seventies and was founded thanks to Vincenzo Pisa's grandfather, continuing until it reached the figure of 300 members. In the nineties, the business chose to create its own factory in order to manage every aspect of the supply chain at the cooperative's headquarters.

2003 was an important year for the construction of the processing plant. Year after year, the siccagno tomato it also acquires considerable importance at a national level, with industries and universities ready to invest. Among the strong points of the product, a significantly higher than average quantity of lycopene should be noted. Today the tomato is also sold in the form of ready-made and peeled sauces.

Valledolmo tomato, growth in a remarkable territory

The Valledolmo tomato grows in a small town in Palermo, over 100 kilometers from the regional capital. However, the border with various Sicilian provinces has given strength to the municipality, reducing any form of negative contamination to a minimum. The tomato industry has grown visibly and many young people are dedicating themselves to agriculture. In this way, the cultivation of such an important product continues without any pause and with results that will leave you speechless. Furthermore, every year, one is dedicated festival to the vegetable so loved by citizens and tourists, which takes place in mid-September.

For what reasons to visit Valledolmo

The tomato is just one of the many reasons to visit Valledolmo at least once in your life. From the Church of Maria Santissima della Purità to that ofImmaculate Conception, the country deserves to be viewed and explored by anyone coming from every corner of Sicily and beyond. There is nothing left to do but evaluate a similar journey and live it to the full.


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