Paceco melon, an authentic first fruit from Trapani

The sweet Paceco melon is one of the juiciest fruits located within the vast Trapani area, also known by the name of Paceco cartucciaru melon.

Paceco is a municipality of Trapani that offers its visitors numerous sections of interest. Among these, the Paceco melon it is considered an authentic local first fruit. Here's what you need to know about the evolution of a product capable of best representing the local area.

What is Paceco melon

Il sweet melon from Paceco it is one of the juiciest fruits located within the vast Trapani area. This is a product available almost until the Christmas period and is also known by the name of Cartucciaru melon from Paceco. The fruit is considered a risk of extinction, but it remains an authentic fulcrum of the tradition of this small town. Thanks to its very pronounced sweetness, melon is considered one of the main ingredients for making very tasty granitas and ice creams.

The history of Paceco melon

The Paceco melon can boast a history that goes back a long way. It is probable that its first plantation dates back to the XNUMXst century BC. In fact, in that era, the historian Diodorus Siculus mentioned it in his texts as a typical product of the Sicilian island. Already at that time, melon was cultivated in the territories that today would be attributable to the areas of Trapani and Palermo.

It can be said with some certainty that the Paceco melon cultivation both among the oldest in the Trapani tradition. In several cases, a type of this melon can no longer be harvested due to the appearance of some hybrids that are produced more easily. Unfortunately, the sweet melon often remains uncultivated and becomes food for the flocks.

The main characteristics of the fruit

Paceco melon is also known as winter melon, thanks to the main property of being preserved in the long term. For these reasons, it was included in the list of Foodstuffs, better known as PAT. The fruit generally grows in the soil of the heart of Paceco and can be recognized thanks to its elongated shape.

At the end, the melon sports a slightly curved tip, with a smooth skin and the typical yellow color. The internal pulp, however, is white in color and corresponds to the juiciest part. During the winter season, it takes on a truly intoxicating flavor as a table fruit. As previously mentioned, the Paceco melon is perfect for the preparation of desserts e granite of various kinds.

Sowing and cultivation of Paceco melon

The sowing of Paceco melon generally begins between the months of April and May. It is generally carried out in a greenhouse, in order to avoid any pollination by bees. The harvest takes place, however, between the months of June and August. Its production is very reduced because hybrids have replaced the fruit.

As for cultivation, very short times are needed. The fruit does not need particular irrigation and fertilization. The Paceco melon has reached the present day thanks to the work of Slow Food Foundation, who with the help of a group of volunteers managed to recover the seed and carry out traditional cultivation.

Paceco melon, a fruit to taste

Overall, Paceco melon can be considered as an authentic first fruit of the Sicilian culinary tradition. Its cultivation is carried out even until the Christmas period, without any loss of quality.


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