Wheat Festival in Baucina

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  • festivals

Date of the event

  • 27
  • August

La Wheat Festival in Baucina it is an event that serves to celebrate a product considered as an authentic excellence of the town of the same name and of the whole of Sicily. The wheat produced on local land is of absolute quality and the producers in the area know it very well. Thanks to their work, they manage to cope with various difficulties that can arise every year.

Here's what you need to know about this one Festival that takes place in Baucina.

What to know about the Grain Festival in Baucina

The Grain Festival was established to celebrate the typical products of Baucina and the hinterland of Palermo and focuses on the importance of local traditions. She is usually paired with a celebrity Culture Festival and lets you know the local products and those who hide behind very hard work, also focusing on the proposal of savory foods.

The story behind the Baucina Festival

The Grain Festival has a fascinating history. Anyone lucky enough to take part in such a party can immediately realize that they are immersed in a timeless event. It is known how much the territory's past had been characterized by various activities based on agriculture, as well as always giving due importance to grain harvest. It is no coincidence that during the Festival, the peas , spaghetti to make people understand how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

When the Grain Festival is held in Baucina

The festival is organized on the occasion of thelast Sunday in August and ends in the best possible way a summer which, in these parts, can be considered electrifying. The period of the year is selected precisely to enhance the cultivation time of an iconic and tasty product.

Where the Grain Festival takes place

The Festival takes place at the town of Baucina. It is a municipality that has about 1800 inhabitants and is located in the Palermo hinterland. It comprises a mountainous area which is located within a large Nature Reserve and obviously focuses on the production of wheat. The city center rises about 550 meters above sea level and remains a place closely linked to local culture and traditions, still celebrated with love and pride today.

What to do on the occasion of the Grain Festival in Baucina

Who wants to experience this gastronomic event you are spoiled for choice. The celebration of street food it is accompanied by various small shows connected to the production of wheat. It is possible to taste various meat-based delicacies, as well as different types of cheese produced in the Baucinese area. There is also the chance to get to know various baked foods and the best of local fruit. At the same time, one can focus on musical events and experience a joyful day together with one's family.

How to reach Baucina

To get to the town of Baucina, just take by car, the A19 motorway and exit at Trabia or Altavilla Milicia, 12-13 kilometers from the destination.

By train, the Trabia station is 13 kilometers from the center, with that of Termini Imerese at 16. Finally, the Palermo Central airport is located just over 25 kilometers from Baucina.


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