Gagliano Castelferrato, a story that starts from very far away

The town of Gagliano Castelferrato really has a lot to tell, much more than you might imagine.

It is located in the province of Enna and contains several points of interest. Here's what you need to know about a surprising town, full of charm and culture.

The origins of the town of Gagliano Castelferrato

Gagliano Castelferrato has origins that go back a long way. In fact, it would have been founded by the king of the Sicani Die Siculo in 1900 BC In its first centuries of history, it was known by the name of Galaria and it had been populated since prehistoric times, also taking part in the wars led by Agathocles, the tyrant of Syracuse. As time passed, the prestige of the village grew visibly thanks to settlements of notable historical and social importance.

The great dominations

La history of Gagliano Castelferrato it continued with denominations by peoples of great importance, from the Greeks to the Romans, from the Byzantines to the Muslims, passing through the Arabs. The latter literally besieged the local castle for over two months and conquered it, causing the decline of Galaria. After a historical period of profound crisis, the Normans led by the sovereign Roger in turn took possession of the castle.

The small city then changed its name to Gagliano and became a County, Principality, Barony, Viscontea and Vicaria. Then, Sicily was dominated by the Swabians and Riccardo Fulgone Dal Poggio received control from Frederick II. During the thirteenth century, Angevins and Aragonese followed one another, up to the feudal system led by the baron Montaneiro Sosa. At the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Sicilian army set a trap against the Angioni and defeated them, recovering Catania.

From the fourteenth century onwards

Il Gagliano Castelferrato castle it was also there mansion of the King Frederick III, followed by Pietro, Ludovico and the Tedeschi family. The fortress was then occupied by Bernardo Spadafora, before several internal battles that led to the leadership by the Periglios family. Gregorio Castello then obtained the title of Prince of Gagliano in 1666, who was succeeded by his eldest son Ferdinando Castello. The family dynasty continued until 1743.

Then, it was the turn of Don Gabriele and Don Carlo Girolamo Castello. In the mid-eighteenth century, Alvaro Villadicani bought the territory and held it for about 60 years, before leaving the domain to don Vincenzo Castelli in 1809. On October 27, 1962, the then president of ENI Enrico Mattei gave his last speech right in Gagliano, before the plane carrying him on board crashed and caused his death.

The contemporary era of Gagliano Castelferrato

Today Gagliano Castelferrato carries on a thousand-year-old culture thanks to a series of religious buildings of considerable importance. Among these, the Churches of Santa Maria delle Grazie, That mother of San Cataldo, the other ecclesiastical structures dedicated to Sant'Agostino, San Giuseppe and Santa Maria di Gesù. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the town had just over 5 thousand inhabitants, down to 3,3 thousand today.

With these premises, the town can be considered as an authentic manifesto ofprehistoric age, with numerous peoples ready to follow one another at his command. It is also important the fortress, built in a buried cliff and with a strong historical and cultural significance.

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