Alì Terme: the well-being of the spa known since ancient times

Alì Terme is not only a charming Sicilian town located in the province of Messina but it is also a place that has always been known for the beneficial properties of its waters.

Even today, in fact, the thermal baths of Ali Terme, in Messina, I am a place of relaxation need health care.

Here is everything that can be useful to know before organizing your visit to this area of ​​Sicily.

The history of Ali Terme

The history of Alì Terme is very old and also has uncertain origins. According to some scholars, in fact, the village would have originated from Elide, a city of ancient Greece. For others, however, the town was born through the work of the Arabs: this would also be testified by the name as Alì would be a tribute to Mohammed and even the name of Alì Termine would derive from that of Ali ibn Abi Talib, a character who was both the that the cousin of the prophet. There is, however, yet another hypothesis which instead has more narrative origins: according to the latter, the name of the village derives from Monte Scuderi, which is located behind the village and which seems to give two wings to the inhabited centre, so as to to call the inhabited area for a long time with the nickname of the town of the wings.

The thermal springs of Alì Terme, in history

Le hot Springs they have always played a fundamental role in the history of the village which perhaps was born right around the sulphurous water area. Some documents testify that the Greeks already knew about the thermal waters in the XNUMXth century BC and exploited its benefits, but it was above all the Romans who made the area a well-known and used spa centre, so much so that some residential and commonly used structures were built around as a result of the large number of users. However, it was from the XNUMXth century that the spas began to be exploited by the legitimate owners such as healing center, in particular to treat some pathologies such as arthritis: among the most famous patients of the spas for this pathology there is also the philosopher Descartes.

What are the sources of Alì Terme

They fall under the category of thermal springs of Alì Terme, in Messina, both those of Grenade-Cassibile than those of Marine. The first are the oldest and they are mentioned by Descartes in his writing Antidotario Messanensi, specifying that their waters are excellent not only for the treatment of arthritis but also for many other pathologies. Those of Marino, on the other hand, have a more recent history even if some documents dated 1780 already mention the activity of the centre. Also the Marine baths they are also the only ones left in business since those of Granata-Cassibile were closed and are still waiting for an owner who knows how to enhance them.

The beneficial effects of the thermal springs of Alì Terme

Le thermal waters of the area have a temperature that remains constant between 40 and 46 builds. In particular, they have a sulfur composition and are rich in iodine.

What to see in Ali Terme

If in addition to relaxing at the spa, the visitor decides to get to know the historic center of the town in more detail, he will be spoiled for choice in deciding what to see.

Among the things not to be missed is certainly the Saracen Tower, which is actually a medieval building which was still used as a lookout point in the seventeenth century. Also noteworthy is the Church of San Rocco, one of the oldest in the country since its construction dates back to the eighteenth century. More prestigious, however, is the mother church of Ali Terme, built instead in the early twentieth century. Finally, you can't miss the beautiful ones beaches, in particular that of Itala Marina.

How to get to Ali Terme

Those who come from Messina and want to reach the village of Alì Terme to visit the thermal springs can do so via the SS114 while those who come from Palermo and Trapani can first take the A20 and then continue on the E90 to their destination.

From Catania it is advisable to follow the A18 and then the E45, from Syracuse the E45 and from Enna first the A19 and then the E932.

Alì Terme has its own railway station which is located on the Messina-Syracuse section, so it is very easy to reach the village even on the train. Finally, connections via local buses provided by the AST company are always active.

© Image by David Mauro, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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